Thursday, April 26, 2012

Visiting Teaching is SO Important!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 9:26 AM
Things have been going really well with the work. A lot of things are dealing with testing my patience and just relying on the Lord. Our one investigator Francesca is progressing...ever so slowly. BUT!! Our relationship with the ward is growing TREMENDOUSLY!! Sorella Hanks and I feel so excited!! I was struggling one day in the fact that our investigor pool is more like a puddle...and what kind of work was the Lord expecting us to do here in Milan. I wasn't feeling good one day, so I decided to pray diligently and then take a little nap. As I was praying, I was just frustrated "Heavenly Father! Why don't we have any investigators? What am I doing wrong? I want to serve thee and I have no idea what I'm doing here! Please, help us find investigators so that we can have baptismal dates!" And then, it hit me "I haven't sent you and your companion here to Milan for baptismal dates. I want you to go and find those who have lost their way." We are here to build the ward and help the ward find out who really lives in their areas!! We  had a little visit with the Relief Society President yesterday and found out a lot of....henpecking? I guess there are more issues in this ward than what we were aware of. But we tried some smoothing over and we really ARE getting a lot accomplished for the ward. After the visit, we went with her and a NC to visit a less active sister named Marcella. She is a YSA and just got back from vacation. Sorella Hanks and I had been praying for a less-active, part member family and we had no idea about this Marcella girl. So we go, thinking to strengthen the ward, and SHE is the only member of her family...consisting of her mom, dad, and younger sister. When we got home for nightly planning, Sorella Hanks' and my eyebrows shot up...our vision for this transfer is to find and baptize and reactivate a less-active, part-member family. Thank you Heavenly Father. We are helping the RS president clean the chapel tomorrow, and we hope Marcella and her sister will be at the FHE we prepare every week. THEN, if they ARE there, we swarm!! Just kidding...more like make an appointment with her family and visit a bit more.

Speaking of visit....VISITING TEACHING IS SO IMPORTANT!!! I have SUCH a testimony of really is the Lord's tool to build relationships between members and sisters of the ward! As the RS President and her companion (the NC) did their lesson, they just shared the message and wanted to "get out of their hair". And I was like "WOAH?! Wait a minute...No testimony? No inspired question? Let's slow things down a bit..." The message was about Daughters in My Kingdom (WHICH! If you haven't read it, you totally's beautiful!) So the NC shared the message in English (She's Filipino) and I translated. Once the message was done, the RS president just said "Va bene" and was getting up to leave! She shared her testimony, a little bit, but was focussed on getting out. So I jumped in and asked if I could ask a question..I wasn't going to let this opportunity leave! Here was this less active 24 year old girl and her mother, who ISN'T a member, taking time to listen to a message about a book they have never even read! So I asked a question "What does it mean to be a daughter in a kingdom? To know that you are a princess?" And the whole feeling changed...The daughter responded saying that she felt priviledged and that it was something wonderful. And the mother, WHO ISN'T A MEMBER, answers and says that it is a beautiful thought and it gives her comfort. She then goes on to say that things are really hard right now and they are struggling...and then the RS President jumped in and started sharing her story about how she found work. Daauughh...Anyway, that's all we needed and Sorella Hanks and I went forward from there. That little tidbit could have been worked with so diligently, but I think we get wrapped up in the idea of sharing the message and getting out...when in reality it is a time to strengthen one another and lift the hands that hang down. I LOVE MY MISSION AND I AM LEARNING SO MUCH!!! So that was an interesting experience and yet so grateful for it because we know now who to try and work with and go forward from there. Little by little a mission changes your ideas of certain things in the church, and it only changes you for the better. LIFE LONG LEARNING! LIFE LONG CHANGING! LIFE LONG DISCIPLESHIP!!

And that's another long discipleship. We actually have become really good friends with a young couple in our ward. Her name is Jackie and his name is Nathan. THey have a little girl named Elly (Elliana) and they are the Marshall family. We are actually having dinner with them tonight because they want to introduce the gospel to their land lord. He is here in Italy for school on a study abroad...he is from Blackfoot and she is from Minnesota. They will be here until the end of July. But, we see that our hardwork is helping the ward because Nathan SWORE off sister missionaries. He served here about 5 years ago and the sisters were a joke...always making problems. But after we got to know them and talking with them, he told Jackie to invite us to dinner again this past sunday. PROGRESS!! Hahah Jackie was really happy that we changed his heart...I think she likes having people close to her age to talk English nonetheless. BUT!! Hearing those sisters like, ruin an elder's idea about Sister missionaries, and even President and Sorella Wolfgramm were concerned when they first arrived. The sisters that were in the mission when they arrived were crude, rude, and un-Christlike...they were GLAD to see the sisters leave! They didn't want to deal with them anymore! And I see now like, if you have the opportunity to serve a mission it can change you to be the person you want to be. I am so glad because I am learning how to deal with things...fully relying on the gospel. You learn mothership, sistership, self-ship (?boh?), and discipleship, all cram packed in 18 months more or less. 

I am so grateful for the things that I am learning and how I can truly talk with my Heavenly Father about anything and everything. My tiredness frustrates me and I feel like a lame-o because I just need to sleep...that's all my brain will think about " can't go further just take a nap." Do I feel better afterward, yes. But do I feel lousy that I had to take that time away from the Lord's time? Also yes. So, I decided to pray about it. I just told Heavenly Father that I just can't do it. I can't get up in the body hurts and I am so tired and I'm frustrated because I am tired of eating such heavy foods and wah, wah wah. And basically I threw a tantrum and went to sleep. As I woke up, I received an answer to my prayers...1 Corinthians 10:13..."that ye may be able to bear it" I was just reminded that I have some factors that are against me and that I need to be patient. I can't let this get in the way of missionary work. And sometimes it does. For example, the other day we were visiting Francesca and she has patience the size of a lentil bean. I was trying to explain something and she wouldn't I just got a tight lip and had my companion take over. I was fuming! And I think it all stemmed from the fact I was mad at myself for sleeping, I was mad that she made me eat so much food, and I was just mad....So I decided to not say anything because I DEFINITELY wasn't feeling the Spirit. Luckily my companion turned it around and I was able to refocus. But, I can't let the little things get to me and I really need to work on it. So, I think Francesca and this whole sleepiness thing is teaching me patience and understanding...something I thought I had...but realize now that I really lack. Francesca didn't think anything of it and the lesson ended up being a really good thing. I had to lay down the law because she wants me to marry her son..Filippo, who is a total weeny...smokes, drinks and just whines about life....and he's almost 40...still living at home. I just layed down the law and then bore my testimony about how I will marry a man who will be worthy to take me to the temple...Then she said that she'll convert her son....and I just rolled my eyes and bore testimony again of the importance of the gospel and the importance of the sealing power in the Lord's house.

I am SO grateful for the temple and the work we can do. I miss the temple so much, and cannot wait to do a session and just go inside. GO TO THE TEMPLE! PLEASE!!

Sra. Bowman

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