Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I wasn't sure if this was her letter to everyone, but it appears to be so as nothing more came.  Kind of exciting....I received a letter from her mission president asking me to email all the info needed for her return home trip on Aug 24.  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????  Her homecoming talk is scheduled for Aug. 26 so if you are in the area, please come.  I can't believe my babies will be home THIS YEAR!!!  It truly does go by so fast.  What a wonderful experience and testimony building experience they are having.  Thanks for all you love and support to our kiddos.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9:53 AM
YES!!! I am SO EXCITED that you are going to take Daniel and I on a cruise!!! I am STOKED!!! I have been configuring a plan all week to see what I could do to convince you to take us all again!!   I am SO glad you all had a great time and that everyone got home safe :) WHAT?!???!? ANNA IS GETTING MARRIED!???!? Oh my gosh that is INSANE!!! TIme is flying by way too whole world is going to be turned upside down!!  Well, as far as the candy is concerned, it is still sitting in a pile on my couch and my companion and I are slowly getting rid of it. All the whopper eggs she ate because the malt is all wheat products....she happily made the sacrifice. Yeah, I saw the list correne thought up for me and I'm really happy with it...I wish I could take a break in the Winter...but...I think she thinks it would be better for me to just plow through...then I could have the whole summer off and start in the fall. I am looking forward to the pictures and I really am glad that you all are sold on cruises. Do you think we could also consider doing a church history tour? I remember you saying something about going to NC also...what are your traveling thoughts? Whatever it is...I'd like to be in!! How has Ruston been doing? THe little guy has been on my mind lately. I am a little, ever so slightly, homesick...just really missing everyone around this time. But, I have the faith to walk right through the homesickness and all will be well. Transfers are this week and I am staying in Milan again with sister hanks. WE ARE feeling so much better!! THe Lord has been really helping us and me...I've decided to get up even if I feel sick...get up and exercise and run...and we walk everywhere now too....I am determined to lose a few kili before coming home. So, it's lots of fruits and veggies and yogurt and's coming to summer time now and all the fruits and veggies are great. Today we didn't do exercise in the morning because we are so sore, but we are walking and just having a great time enjoying the weather...even if it is crazy.
This past week/weekend has been a miracle for me. We had zone conference on Thursday and it changed my mission. I felt like I had been digressing as a missionary, and I didn't know what to do. And so, inspired like they are...President and the AP's did an amazing "break your boxes" conference. I shaped up, wisened up, and am striving to be more obedient and happy than ever. One of the biggest things President emphasized was for ALL OF US to change our mode of prayer. We needed to start praying with faith. If we did this, we would see miracles. Ho reso conto (I hit me?) that I needed to be better and more sincere with my prayers. Immediately I went home and made a sign on our front door out of the cute little heart sticky notes that says "Did You Think To Pray" and so EVERY SINGLE TIME we leave the apartment, we get on our knees and pray as a companionship. We teach a principle to each other 4 times a day as has been asked since the beginning of my mission, and I am seeing the blessings. I never really had a testimony of it because it seemed really stupid...but I have repented and it helps me be more willing to talk to people. TALKING TO PEOPLE!!! It is becoming SO MUCH EASIER!! I just smile really big and be cheerful and people think I'm crazy...which, suprisingly, interests them more in what i have to say! Saturday and Sunday were MIRACLES FOR ME. Saturday I was close to tears all day long because I felt the SPirit of the Lord so strongly within me. We have quite a handful of potential investigators and the days pass by even faster.
I was pondering this week of the purpose of my mission. Sister Hanks brought up a comment over dinner about how a departing sister mentioned in her testimony that every missionary has their specific mission. She asked me what I thought mine was....and I didn't really know. As I teach and as I meet beautiful, wonderful people...I wonder if my mission was really a tool for the Lord to change me. To, realize what a blessing the gospel in my life is...and to really embrace the positive demeanor that the Lord has blessed me with. I relfected on my setting apart blessing, as well as my patriarchal blessing, and both talked about rejoicing in life, finding joy in the journey, and happiness. Joy. Joyful, Joyous. FINDING THAT IN LIFE. As I reflected on me entering the mission, and stirring my pot of pasta, I was NOT joyful. Oh my was so hard for me. But now, I think I am really coming to understand the joy of the gospel, which in turns brings joy into my life. The Spirit is so tender and I strive DAILY to maintain it. I find multiple times the Spirit testifying to me of things I read in the Liahona's we receive...sometimes it's ridiculous and I cry over stories I read in the Friend section. To have joy in your life is so tender, and yet so important. I find now that I am happier than ever and a sense of relief is in my heart. And when I pray for charity, each and every morning...I am less inclined to get frustrated and I see people in a more beautiful light. My hour of study that I had been missing because I wouldn't get up...makes all the difference in my day. I don't want to lose that!! Studying...gosh I LOVE IT!! I don't have enough time to study in just that little hour in the morning! Studying is a lifelong daily thing....bah, it's so important! I want to be a better bigger sister, so many things to make up for and help my siblings know that I love them. This month's Ensign is BEAUTIFUL and some of the stories in the Friend too! It talks about the importance of talking with our children and making time to talk with them. I've decided that I claim dishes after dinner whenever I come to visit at home so that I can snag a sibling and take time to talk with them. And it made me even more grateful for you Mom and Dad! It meant SO MUCH to me, and STILL DOES that I could come to you at 300 in the morning to just talk and help me understand the factions of life. And how I could call whenever, come home whenever, and just talk whenenver. It is such a comforting thing...even if the subjects were still encouraged me and helped me along the way. Thus, I want to be the same. This month's Ensign has inspired me to make a Mommy Manual. It's going to be a binder FULL of talks of the Apostles and Prophets on how to have a happier and faithful family. I have already started a list in my "Use Time Wisely" section of Preach My Gospel. WHICH I LOVE!! I LOVE THIS BOOK and I will use PMG for the rest of my life!!!
My joy is full and I rejoice in the gospel and the blessing of eternal families. I am so grateful for this mission and how it is teaching me to be an eternal disciple and missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ. My day goes smoother when I know that my knees have become a little rougher and my Book of Mormon pages have become a little more wrinkled. I have to finish it this week before the new transfer starts...and it freaks me out that I am on the last leg of my color coordinating in the front cover. But yet, oh how blessed I am to be a member of this gospel and to be matter what happens. The quote for the rest of my life...that always brings me peace "No matter what happens, the Lord is in it." As I see people living their lives, and hearing of people getting married and having babies...I love the pace that the Lord is leading my life. Everything will come in its own due time. I have to learn what I am capable of...learn to listen to the promptings of the Spirit...and I think that big chunk of time during my mission of being sick and not doing EVERYTHING with exactness...taught me what it is like to NOT have the Spirit with you. Thus, I am so grateful for repentance...because when you repent and strive even harder, it's like you LEAP to a whole new level...and life seems a little more brighter.
Not to mention I am less tired because we have new mattresses and pillows and we are eating much better because we are teaching Francesca about the Word of Wisdom...with portions and food substitutions. And seeing her illness has kind of...scared us...into eating better and changing into a healthy lifestyle. Which I am excited. Our blender broke this week...and I cried because I spent about 40 minutes trying to make a green drink by hand, and trying to make the blades spin, and it didn't work and I wasted it all... so now I add the seeds to my yogurts and cottage cheese. I don't know if I mentioned this first, but President asked us in the last conference to ask our loved ones NOT to send packages because custom payments have shot THROUGH THE ROOF. If we are willing to pay with personal money for the customs, then it is fine. But other than's just not worth it. THe only thing I can think of you wanting to send is vitamins...and I can do without them until I return. Thank you so much for everything and I love you all so very much. I am so excited that in like 3 weeks we get to see each other and talk!! How are we wanting to work this out??
WEll, time is up and I gotta go!! Love you!!
until next time,
sorella bowman

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